22 Mar 2018

SENNIN - Tsuru Sennin Crane

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Tsuru Sennin 鶴仙人 crane hermit
kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

Chinese :
王子喬(おおしきょう)Oshikyo, Wangze Kao
費長房(ひちょうぼう)Hichobo, Fei Chang Fang
黄鶴楼(こうかくろう)Kokakuro. Huang He Lou

費長房 Hichobo (Fei Chang Fang)

He is riding a crane, holding a sutra scroll in his hands.
He was the disciple of the Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (ここう Koko).
He tried to become a sennin but could not pass the exam of his master. Nevertheless he became an immortal.
Some sources say he was eventually killed by 鬼神 a Demon Deity.
- reference : fukushima-museum.jp... -


Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (壺公 ここう Koko) "Honorable Jar"
Late Han period.
Koko Sennin was selling medicine in the market of 汝南の市場 Jonan. He had a 壺 jar hanging from his waist, and in the evening slipped into the jar and spent the night. He had lived in 天界 the heavenly realm, but was banished because he had commited a crime.
The warden of the market place, 費長房 Hichobo, was fascinated by him.
The special realm of Koko is called
kochuuten 壺中天 / こちゅうてん Kochuten, "Heaven in a Jar"
Often a name for a restaurant.

Some illustrations snow Goko slipping into a gourd
hyootan sennin 瓢箪仙人 "Gourd Immortal"


- back to
kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

名草神社 Nagusa Jinja
Hyogo / 1755-6 Yokacho Ishihara, Yabu, Hyōgo


北野天満宮 Kitano Tenmangu


source : watanabe san facebook

飾り瓦 roof tile from 石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja, Aichi


Tsuru Sennin 亀仙人 the modern "Crane Immortal"

- quote -
Master Shen is the Crane Hermit (鶴仙人 Tsurusen'nin), Minister Shen, master of the Crane School and Mercenary Tao's older brother. Whilst they both trained at the Mutaito Training Academy, a rivalry quickly grew between Shen and Master Roshi. Master Shen and Mercenary Tao, likewise, began to fight over the smallest things. Eventually, a simple spilled bowl of rice was enough to break the brothers apart.
- - - MORE
- reference source : dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Master_Shen...-


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Das Netsuke zeigt uns ein auf einer rechteckigen Siegelbasis ruhendes Rind, auf dem ein bärtiger Weiser gemütlich sitzt und ein langes Blasinstrument an seine Lippen hält. Das Sitzen auf einem Rind darzustellen, wobei sich meistens eine Union in meditativer Versunkenheit vorfindet, ist sehr beliebt und man kann den einfachen Bokudo genauso antreffen, wie den legendären Laoze, den Begründer des chinesischen Daoismus. Dieser war für den aus kaiserlichem Geblüt stammenden Oshikyo (chin. Wangze Kao) ein leuchtendes Vorbild, das ihn zu einem Leben als einsamer Eremit veranlaßte. Zusammen mit der Fee Fukyuko lebte er dreißig Jahre im Heshe Gebirge. Das alte Netsuke mit sehr schöner goldbrauner Patina zeigt ihn mit einer schon etwas abgegriffenen Haube und einem faltenreichen Umhang, die Schalmei schön angelegt und in einer Linie mit dem Rindsschweif, das Tier lauscht ebenfalls dem sphärischen Wohlklang.
- source : Wolfmar Zacken -


. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .


source : artsy.net/artwork/suzuki-harunobu...

Parodies of Hichobo and Urashima Taro
Suzuki Harunobu


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. 亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal" .

. tsuru kame, tsurukame 鶴亀 Tortoise and Crane .
symbols of long life in China

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #tsurusennin #craneimmortal #oshikyo #hichobo #goko #koko-

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/22/2018 09:49:00 am

14 Mar 2018

EDO - HIbiya district


Hibiya district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Hibiya 日比谷 / 比々谷
千代田区 Chiyoda ward

. The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi .
They lived in the hamlet 江戸郷 Edo Go, their Homeland in the Musashi Plain. It was located in the
日比谷の入江 Hibiya no Irie inlet / 日比谷入江 .
Edo 江戸 means "estuary", lit. "inlet door", "entrance to the inlet".

To the South of the inlay is
Hibiya mura 日比谷村 the village of Hibiya.
Next to Hibiya mura were 桜田村 Sakurada mura, 老月村 Rogetsu mura and other villages.

In the process to develop the city of Edo, Tokugawa Ieyasu had the inly refilled and the land was used for living quarters of Edo government officials and Daimyo.


- quote
Hibi are bunches of bamboo or brushwood used to grow and farm 海苔 nori (a kind of seaweed).
The area was known for people and shops farming and selling nori (which was grown on hibi). Those people and shops would have been referred to as 篊屋 hibi-ya (hibi-people/hibi-shops). As the area grew (and the nori farmers presumably moved out), the place name came to be written 比々谷 Hibiya which has no meaning).
The first character means "comparison" and represents the sound ひ hi. The second character just means "repeat the previous sound." (the second "hi" becomes "bi" according to euphonic rules called 連濁). The final character is common in Japanese place names and means "valley." This final character is also meaningless because there is no valley here. If anything, it's part of the alluvial plain created by the waters in Tokyo Bay.
Sometime in the Edo Period, 比々谷 came to be written as 日比谷 and that is the way it is still written today.
The characters as they are now are "sun" "compare" and "valley, respectively.
If you go to Hibiya Park today, you'll notice that there is a large pond near the Imperial Palace (Edo Castle). This pond was part of the system of moats around Edo Castle. The moat is gone today, but the pond is in its place. If you walk around the pond, you'll notice a line of stone wall fortifications which match the castle area. This was one of the moat's walls. Also, you'll notice a photo spot called 日比谷見附 Hibiya-Mitsuke (The Hibiya Approach). This was the path to the 日比谷御門 Hibiya Go-Mon, one of many gates into the castle. Btw, 見附 means "approach" or "walkway."
The area that is the Hibiya park today used to house 2 daimyōs' upper residences; Saga domain and Chōshū domain.
- source : japanthis.com/2013...


- photo : Tokyo National Museum - 旧江戸城写真帖_日比谷見附図 1871

日比谷見附 Hibiya-Mitsuke
With the landfill of the Sotobori canal the Hibiya Mitsuke was also taken down and only a small piece of its stone wall is left now.


- CLICK for photos of the park !

Hibiya Kooen 日比谷公園 Hibiya Koen Park
..... in Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan. It covers an area of 161,636.66m2 between the east gardens of the Imperial Palace to the north, the Shinbashi district to the southeast and the Kasumigaseki government district to the west.
The land was occupied by the estates of the Mōri clan and Nabeshima clan during the Edo period, and was used for army maneuvers during the Meiji period.
It was converted to a park and opened to the public on June 1, 1903.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Tokyo Daijingu 東京大神宮 .
The new era of Modern Japan began with the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and a new shrine was built in Tokyo in 1880 with the approval of Emperor Meiji. This shrine enabled people in Tokyo to worship the deities enshrined in the Grand Shrine of Ise from afar. At first this new shrine was called 'Hibiya Daijingu,' taking the name of the area in which it was located.
After the Kanto Earthquake, it was moved to its present site of Iidabashi in 1928,
and it was renamed 'Iidabashi Daijingu'.



. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

bakemono 化けもの ghost
On the underground pathway that connects the 銀座 Ginza with 日比谷 Hibiya, there is a Yurei ghost showing up once in a while.
Walking down the stairway from the Ginza side, where is a whirl of golden hair fluttering in the wind, following people. If people try to run away from it, it moves even faster toward them. When they reach the other side at Hibiya, the ghost disappears in a puff.

日比谷神明 Hibiya Shinmei
In the year 1005 on the 16th day of the 9th lunar month, a 御神幣 ritual wand and 大牙 a huge animal fang fell from the sky. All the villagers were afraid and wondering about its meaning, when out of nowhere a young girl of 7 years appeared. The girl got in a state of trance and said the was 伊勢内外宮の神 the deity from great Ise Jingu Shrine. She was back from a trip to the 鹿島 Kashima region, where she had fought with an army of invaders. She had left these two objects as proof of her visit and the villagers should hasten to built a shrine to venerate them.
The child came back to it senses, but disappeared just as suddenly as she had come from nowhere.
The shrine built was named 日比谷神明宮 Hibiya Shinmei-Gu.
Now it is known as 芝神明社 Shiba Shinmei-Sha, 芝大神宮 Shiba Daijingu.
1-12-7 Shiba daimon, Minato ward
The deities in residence are
Amaterasu Omikami (the sun goddess) and
Toyouke no Okami (deity of agriculture and industry)

. Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮 Shiba Daijingu .
In former times, it was also called
Iikura Myoojin Guu 飯倉神明宮 Iikura Myojin Gu
Shiba Myoojin Guu 芝神明宮 Shiba Myojin Gu

source : metmuseum.org/art...
江戸名所 芝神明 Famous Places of Edo: Shiba Shinmei
Utagawa Hiroshige II


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

akibare no ueki katsugite Hibiya kana

with the potted trees
in splendid autumn weather . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

岸本尚毅 Kishimoto Naoki (1961 - )

日比谷公園ガーデニングショー Hibiya Park Gardening Show
A gardening exhibition held at Hibiya Park in Tokyo, includes various events; gardening competition, flower arrangement workshop, outdoor activity experiences and more.
- reference : Hibiya Park Gardening Show -





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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hibiya - - - -

13 Mar 2018

GOKURAKU - Ninnaji Kyoto Hell paintings

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Ninnaji 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji, Kyoto

京都府京都市右京区御室大内33 / 33 Omuro-Ouchi, Ukyō-ku, Kyoto,

- quote
the head temple of the Omuro school of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism. Located in western Kyoto, Japan, it was founded in AD 888 by the retired Emperor Uda. It is part of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto", a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Ninna-ji was founded in the early Heian period. In 886, Emperor Kōkō ordered the construction of the Nishiyama Goganji Temple to bless the nation and propagate Buddhist teachings but he did not live to see its completion. Emperor Uda saw the construction to its completion in 888 and named it "Ninna" after the regnal year of the late Emperor Kōkō's reign. From 888 to 1869 it was traditional for reigning Emperors to send a son to the temple to take over as head priest when a vacancy arose.
After retiring from his throne, Emperor Uda became the first Monzeki, or aristocratic priest, of Ninna-ji. From then on until the end of the Edo period, the temple saw a succession of head priests of imperial lineage. . . .
888 (Ninna 4, 8th month): Construction of the newly created Buddhist temple of Ninna-ji (仁和寺) was completed; and a former disciple of Kōbō Daishi was installed as the new abbot.
... Uda entered the Buddhist priesthood at age 34 in 900. Having founded the temple at Ninna-ji, Uda made it his new home after his abdication. ...
The nengo era name of Ninna (885 – 889)
. . .  More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- March 21
Visiting three Kobo temples, san Kobo mairi 三弘法参り,
.. also : san Kooboo moode 三弘法詣で (in Kyoto, at temple Tooji on the first to third of January)
Visiting Ninna-Ji, O-Muromairi 御室参り 仁和寺
..... (Famous for its beautiful cherry blossoms, Omuro sakura .)
. Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 - kigo for late spring .

. 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki .
第14番 Nr. 14 - 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji - Kyoto

都名所図会 Kyo Meisho Zue


shuin 朱印 book for the temple stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.ninnaji.jp... english


. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

Ninna-Ji wall paintings with Oni demons in hell


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kimono with Ninna-Ji as motive

Ninnaji no Omuro de orinu aki-awase

at Ninna-Ji in Omuro
they get off -
autumn kimono

Tr. Gabi Greve

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

- - - - - autumn an Ninnaji


Ninnaji no Omuro no sakura shiozuke ni

the Omuro cherry blossoms
from Ninna-Ji
as salty pickles

本田八重子 Honda Yaeko

shiozuke - sakura blossoms are pickled in salt and enjoyed as tea


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The horse painted on a votive tablet by 巨勢金岡 Kose no Kanaoka took off each night and devastated the nearby fields.
It could only be stopped by crushing its eyes.

. Kose Kanaoka, Kose no Kanaoka 巨勢金岡 (?802 - ?897) .
a court painter of the Heian period.

The Tengu from 愛宕山 Mount Atagosan and 比叡山 Hieizan often came to the great 六本杉 cedar tree of Ninna-Ji to rest.
Once a priest took shelter under the tree in the rain and saw two palanquins taking off in the direction of Atagosan and Hieizan. It must have been the vengeful spirits of people who died with a grudge and had become Tengu.

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -

仁和寺氏神社の絵馬 ema from the clan Shrine of Ninna-Ji


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #ninnaji #omuroninnaji -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 3/02/2018 01:08:00 pm

EDO - Hachioji and Takaosan


Hachioji district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Hachiooji 八王子 Hachioji district and 高尾山 Mount Takaosan

In the autumn of 913, 妙行 priest Myogyo came from Kyoto and built his hermitage at
深沢山 Mount Fukasawayama (445 m). He sat in a cave and meditated, not paying attention to the strong disturbing wind, thunder and all kinds of heavenly distractions, which came and went like mist and fog. Myogyo kept meditating and reciting the Sutras.
Now 大蛇 a huge serpent came dangling down from the cave, encircled the saint and fell asleep. Myogyo took his nyoi-bo 如意棒 priest scepter and hit the serpent gently on the head:
"Wake up, please!" The serpent opened its eyes and left quietly.
Next morning a deity came to him with his eight children (hachi oji):
"My children and myself have great respect for your virtues! You may use all the land to spread the good words and we will protect all the people on it. I am the deity Gozu Tenno and these are my eight children."

Myogyo continued his meditation and in 916 proclaimed Fukasawayama as 天王峰 Mount Tenno-Mine and the eight peaks around it as 八王峰 Mount Oji-Mine. He built a sanctuary on each one and spread the belief in Gozu Tenno and his Hachi Oji in all parts.
Then he built a temple at the foot of Mount Fukasawayama, which became quite large within time.
In the year 939 the story reached the ears of the Emperor 朱雀天皇 Suzaku Tenno and he bestowed a new name to the priest :
Kegon Bosatsu Myogyo 華厳菩薩妙行
The name of the temple is 牛頭山神護寺 Gozusan Jingo-Ji.
- reference source : takaopress.net/kegonbosatsu -

八王子神社 Hachioji Jinja

牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno and his eight princes (八王子 hachi ooji) are celebrated at the shrine
八王子神社 Hachioji Jinja and 八王子権現社 Hachioji Gongensha.

. 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno - Heavenly King with an Ox-Head .

八王子権現社 Hachioji Gongensha


- quote
Hachiōji (八王子市 Hachiōji-shi) is a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis,...
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Hachiōji was part of ancient Musashi Province. It has been an important junction point and post town along the Kōshū Highway, the main road that connected the historical Edo (today's Tokyo) with western Japan.
Hachiōji Castle was built during the Sengoku period in 1584 by Hōjō Ujiteru, but was soon destroyed in 1590 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
During the Edo period, the area was Tenryō controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate.
In the post-Meiji Restoration reform of July 22, 1878, the area became part of Minamitama District in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The town of Hachiōji was created on April 1, 1889, with the establishment of municipalities law. Minaitama District was transferred to the administrative control of Tokyo Metropolis on April 1, 1893. Hachiōji gained city status on September 1, 1917.
..... The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains, forming the Hachioji Basin which opens up toward the east in the direction of Tokyo. The mountain ranges in the southwest include Mount Takao (599 m) and Mount Jinba (857 m),
- More in the wikipedia ! -


. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Highway .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa
11. Hachiōji-shuku (八王子宿) (Hachiōji, Hachioji) postal station


. Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .
08 . 高尾山 Takao-San 八王子 Hachioji .

. Kongooin 金剛院 Kongo-In .
39-1 Ueno-machi, Hachioji, Tokyo 八王子東京 / 武州八王子高野山

. Shooeizan 松栄山 Shoeizan 了法寺 Ryoho-Ji .
This temple in Hachioji near central Tokyo belongs to the Nichiren sect.


. Tama-ori, Tama Ori 多摩織 Woven Fabrics from Tama .
In Hachioji, which was known as the "City of Mulberries," sericulture (the raising of silkworms) and textile manufacturing have both long flourished; and these factors have contributed to the continued weaving of various textiles in the area.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Takaosan 高尾山 Legends about Mount Takao-San and its Tengu 天狗

. 高尾山 Takao San Festivals .
and Izuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現

Takaosan no Tengu 天狗

神奈川県 Kanagawa 津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町 Shiroyama

kamikakushi 神隠し spirited away


. hikarimono 光り物 great light .
At night on the 8th day of the 10th lunar month, a huge stone fell from the sky in Ushigome.
The year before, a similar stone had fallen down in 八王子 Hachioji.
There was thunder in the night and a light like a lightning.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
71 to explore 八王子 (01)
62 八王子 東京 (01)
Including places named Hachioji in other parts of Japan
八王子神社 in Ishikawa


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

hachiooji eki idete sugu kuwa gakure

Tr. Gabi Greve


. WKD : BIG font LINK .
- - kigo for - -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hachioji - - - -

12 Mar 2018

EDO - Otemachi und Hirakawa


Otemachi district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- for Hirakawa, see below

Ootemachi, Ōtemachi 大手町 Otemachi district
千代田区 Chiyoda ward.
The name refers to the Ōtemon 大手門 Otemon main gate of the Edo Castle.

- quote
Otemachi is located north of Tokyo Station and Marunouchi, east of the Imperial Palace, west of Nihonbashi and south of Kanda. It is the location of the former site of the village of Shibazaki, the most ancient part of Tokyo.
Ōtemachi is known as a center of Japanese journalism, housing the main offices of three of the "big five" newspapers as well as being a key financial center and headquarters for large Japanese corporations. It is also the location of the Japan Postal Museum.
The Tokyo Fire Department is headquartered in Ōtemachi, as is the Japan Meteorological Agency.

View of a part of Ōtemachi as depicted in the Edo-zu byōbu screens

Ōtemachi derives its name of Ōtemon ("Great Hand Gate") of Edo Castle.
During the Edo period, various daimyōs constructed their lavish residences outside the castle, such as the residence of the daimyō Matsudaira Tadamasa. Ōtemachi was completely destroyed during the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657. It was rebuilt, albeit on a smaller, less grand scale. Ōtemachi remained however in the possession of the various daimyō families until the end of the Tokugawa system and the start of the Meiji period in the 1860s.
The various daimyō families lost their lots as the area was repossessed by the government, who constructed various governmental offices. Today nothing remains of its residential past, the area is dotted with modern high-rise buildings.
In order to gain revenue, the government decided to sell the area into private hands. The area was completely redeveloped.
- - - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

under construction

Hirakawachoo 平川町 Hirakawa-Cho, Hirakawa district
Hirakawa is sometimes spelled 平河, "flat river".

In the Eod period, it was located in front of the 平川御門 Hirakawa Gomon Gate, leading to Hirakawamura 平川村 Hirakawa village.
Hirakawa village is now known as Otemachi. Other parts have become 一ツ橋 Hitostubashi and 九段南 Kudan-Minami.

- quote -
Hirakawa-mon (平川門) is said to have been the main gate to the Sannomaru of Edo Castle. It is also said to have been the side gate for maidservants and therefore called the Otsubone-mon.
The shape of this gate is in the masugata, similar to the Ōte-mon. However a watari-yagura-mon is built to an adjacent left angle within the kōrai-mon, of which it has two. The other kōrai-mon is located to the west of the watari-yagura-mon which was used as the "gates of the unclean" for the deceased and criminals from within the castle. Outside this gate is a wooden bridge with railings crowned with giboshi ornamental tops.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hirakawabori 平川堀 Hirakawa moat


平川天満宮 / 平河天満宮 Hirakawa Tenmangu, Hirakawa Tenjin
This Shrine is the closest to the living quarters of the Emperor in Tokyo, and thus quite popular.

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The history of Hirakawa Tenmangu Shrine starts with Ota Dokan (1432-1486), the poet-warrior-monk tasked with designing and building Edo Castle (today's Imperial Palace Tokyo). Ota is said to have had a dream about the Heian era scholar, Sugawara no Michizane (845-903), who is venerated as a deity in Japan. Then the very next day, he happened to be presented with a scroll of one of Sugawara's works. Taking these as a sign, he established a shrine to Sugawara no Michizane on the northern edge of the castle, not far from the Hirakawamon Gate, which he planted with Chinese plum trees - what is today's Bairinzaka (梅林坂 Plum Tree Slope).
Then, in 1607,
soon after the first Shogun of the Edo era, Ieyasu Tokugawa, occupied Edo Castle, the shrine was moved to its present location in the area then known as Kaizaka, renamed Hirakawacho after the shrine.
Hirakawa Tenmangu Shrine was the shrine at which all three branches of the ruling Tokugawa clan petitioned at, and every New Year, the head of the shrine was afforded the status of being allowed a personal audience with the Shogun.
Also, being dedicated to Japan's most eminent scholar, Hirakawa Tenmangu shrine has been worshiped at by later scholars, notably the blind scholar 塙保己一 Hokiichi Hanawa (1746-1821) and the scholar of Western science,
高野長英 Choei Takano (1804-50), and continues to be associated with learning, and success in learning, to this day. As such, the shrine is a renowned destination for students praying for success in examinations.
Hirakawa Tenmangu
suffered destruction several times, the latest being by bombing in the Second World War, and was reconstructed in 1969, the only "original" parts being the copper torii gate that was donated by local residents in 1844, and the stone guardian lions, dating from 1852.

There are no less than 5 stone cows on the grounds.
The cow is associated with Tenjin shrines, which are always shrines for scholars. The most famous one in Tokyo is Yushima Tenjin shrine in east Tokyo. The god Tenjin is usually depicted riding on a cow. Stroking one, or all, of the stone cows here at Hirakawa Tenmangu is believed to endow you with scholarly aptitude.
- source : japanvisitor.com... -

. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 and the Tenmangu Shrines .

. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486) .

. Hanawa Hokiichi 塙保己一 Hanawa Hoki-Ichi (1746 - 1821) .

. Takano Chōei 高野長英 Takano Choei (1804 - 1850) .


- - - - - Two famous people who lived in Hirakawa :

Yamada Asaemon 山田浅右衛門 a clan of sword fighters
The first Yamada Asaemon Sadatake 山田浅右衛門貞武(1657 - 1716)
His name lived on for 9 generations till
Yamada Yoshisuke 山田吉亮(1854 - 1911)

The last one of the clan, Yoshisuke, was nick-named the "head-cutter"
kubi-ori Asaemon 首折り浅右衛門 -
kubi-kiri Asaemon 首切り浅右衛門 "Decapitator Asaemon"

manga Kubikiri Asa 首斬り朝 "Neck-chopper Asa".


Matsumoto Ryoojun 松本良順 Matsumoto Ryojun
(1832 - 1907)
doctor of the 14th Shogun, Tokugawa Iemochi

- quote -
Matsumoto Jun 松本順
(also known as Matsumoto Ryōjun 松本 良順) (July 13, 1832 – March 12, 1907) was a Japanese physician who served as the personal physician to the last shōgun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu. He also studied photography with J. L. C. Pompe van Meerdervoort (1829–1908), though he was somewhat unimpressed with his instructor's skills, once describing the result of one of Pompe van Meerdervoort's photographic experiments as "a meagre black shadow". Foreign Minister Hayashi Tadasu was his brother.
Matsumoto was born as the son of the domain physician of Sakura Domain, at the clan's Azabu residence in Edo. He was sent to Nagasaki in 1857 to study rangaku, during which time he studied both western medicine and photography. When Swiss photographer Pierre Rossier arrived in Japan in 1859, Matsumoto ordered Maeda Genzō to assist Rossier. Maeda subsequently became a pioneering Japanese photographer. Another link between Matsumoto and photography dates from some point between 1857 and 1859 when he adopted the 13-year-old future photographer Uchida Kuichi.
Matsumoto helped the Aizu Domain modernize its medical practices, and in 1868 moved to Kyoto to assist Aizu daimyō Matsudaira Katamori during the latter's tenure as Kyoto Shugoshoku. The situation in Kyoto was very unsettled, and Matsumoto befriended Shinsengumi leader Kondō Isami and rendered medical assistance to them. During the Second Chōshū expedition of 1866, he served as personal physician to the 14th Tokugawa shōgun, Tokugawa Iemochi.
During the Boshin War of the Meiji Restoration, he volunteered his services as an army medic accompanying the infantry supporting the Shogunate. After the Battle of Aizu in 1868, he made his way to Sendai, and enlisted with the Ōuetsu Reppan Dōmei. Briefly imprisoned after the war by the new Meiji government, he was released through the efforts of Yamagata Aritomo, who asked him to help develop the medical corps of the fledgling Imperial Japanese Army.
During the Meiji era, he maintained his relations with former retainers of the Shogun. He also was instrumental in helping Nagakura Shinpachi and Saitō Hajime build a monument to the Shinsengumi at Itabashi in Tokyo. He subsequently served in the House of Peers and received the title of baron (danshaku) under the Kazoku peerage system. Matsumoto died in 1907, and his grave is at the temple of Myodai-ji in Ōiso, Kanagawa.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. General Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – 940) .
His tomb (which contains only a kubizuka 首塚 monument to his head) is near exit C5 of Tokyo's Ōtemachi subway station.
Masakado was one of the most feared "onryo" (vengeful ghosts) in Japanese history.

. Kanda Myojin Shrine 神田明神 . - Tokyo
The three deities enshrined are Daikokuten, Ebisu, and Taira no Masakado.


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #otemachi #hirakawa #kudanminami #hitotsubashi - - - -

9 Mar 2018

KAPPA - kitan magic demon stories

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

kitan 鬼譚 "demon stories", "demon tales"
kitan 奇譚 magic stories

kitan sooshi 鬼譚草紙 Kitan Soshi "demon stories"

奇譚草紙 Kitan Soshi Magic Stories

kitan sooshi 鬼譚草紙 Kitan Soshi "demon stories"
夢枕獏 Yumemakura Baku (1951 - )
and 天野喜孝 Amano Yoshitaka

Three stories of mystic and erotic nuances, about heroes of the Heian period.


anya kitan 暗夜鬼譚 Demon Tales of a Dark Night

- more sequels of these tales -


tsukumo kitan つくも鬼譚 stickers

Stickers are 48mm square sized and each of them features a character designed based on ancient tales.


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

石見牛鬼譚 Iwami Gyuki Tan - Tales of the bull-demon from Iwami
by 岡田建文 Okada Kenbun

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
- Introduction -

............................................................................ Gifu 岐阜県

During the mid-Edo period, there was a huge flooding of a river, due to long and strong rain. The villagers found a huge bull, half buried in the sand. When they tried to hit it with their axes, it started to bleed and the river became all red.

............................................................................ Shimane 島根県
安濃郡 Ano district 太田町 Otamachi
and from
那賀郡 Naka district 浅利村 Asari village

. ushioni 牛鬼 "bull demon" and nure-onna 濡女 "wet woman" .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

山村奇譚 magic stories from mountain villages
by 松岡実 Matsuoka Minoru


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #kitan #magicgourd #ushioni -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 3/04/2018 09:29:00 am