Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts

29 Jun 2017

EDO - Kanda Saeki Sakuma district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Kanda Saekichoo and Sakumachoo 
神田佐柄木町 Saekicho - 神田佐久間町 Sakumacho  

Kanda 神田 "field for the gods" :
The land was under the directive of Ise Jingu Shrine to grow rice for the Shrine offerings.
Kanda has a lot of sub-districts, see here:
. Kanda 神田 Kanda district .

Here are two sub-districts named after a person who lived there.


Kanda Saekichoo 神田佐柄木町 Kanda Saeki-cho, Kanda Saekicho

Saeki Yataroo 佐柄木弥太郎 Saeki Yataro
a togishi 研ぎ師 polisher of swords and blades, had his official estate and workshop here and the area was named after him.
Polishing and sharpening sword blades was very important in the times of Samurai. There were different ways to polish a sword, some were the secrets of a family of craftsmen.
Saeki the First had lived in Suruga (Shizuoka) and worked for Tokugawa Ieyasu. After moving to Edo Ieyasu called on Seaki the Second to live in Edo and polish the swords of the Shogun.

. Renjakuchoo, Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district .

A Kabuki play 矢の根 Ya-no-Ne, Yanone
with the appearance of polishing master Saeki Yataro
『扇恵方曽我 (すえひろえほうそが)』の一幕として上演され、幕府御用の砥物師(とぎものし)togimonoshi 佐柄木弥太郎家

. kenma 研磨 sword polishing - Introduction .

source :

"Until the Kanei peroid (around 1623) adjoining Saeki-Cho and Kiji-Cho was the residence of Lord Hori Tango no Kami. To abbreviate "in front of the residence of the Lord of Tango", people would say "Tanzen".
In this area there were many bathhouses, and also beautiful female bath attendants, and a lot of carousing young men and the like who were learning kabuki in the "Tanzen style".
source : google books - Marcia Yonemoto


Kanda Sakumachoo 神田 佐久間町 Kanda Sakumacho district 

Sakuma Heihachi 佐久間平八
A zaimoku 材木 timber, lumber merchant, who moved here in 1744 from the Honzaimokucho lumber district.
Soon there settled many lumber merchants and the district was even called
Kanda Zaimoku-Cho 神田材木町 Lumber district of Kanda

The district has four sub-districts along the Kanda river.
There were often huge fires in this district, and people even called it (with a sad pun in mind)
Akuma Cho 悪魔町 - アクマ町 "the Devil"s district".
The storing place for timber and lumber was therefore moved from Sakumacho to 深川猟師町 Fukagawa Ryoshi-cho, and then on to 猿江 Sarue and on to 木場 Kiba.

. Edo, Kiba Lumberyards and Carpenters .
- 本材木町 Honzaimokucho, Honzaimoku-cho lumber district
- The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan


江戸神田佐久間町の大火 Great fire in Sakumacho 1829

source :

- Text:

The strong North-West-Wind on April 24 fanned the fire and more than 2800 people lost their lives.
More than 370000 homes were lost.

In March 1834 another fire, the 甲午火事 Kogo fire started in Sakuma, and more than 4000 people lost their lives.

source :

防火守護の地 Bosai Shugo no Chi
A memorial stone for all the brave people who protect the city form fires.
In the 和泉公園 Izumi park.

. taika 江戸の大火 Edo no Taika "Great Fires of Edo" .


Sakuma Tenmondai 佐久間天文台 Sakuma observatory
Sakuma no Sokuryoosho 佐久間町の測量所 Sokuryosho surveying office


source :

It was set up on order of Shogun Yoshimune in 1746 and used for 13 years. The place had been used as an empty space to prevent the spreading of fires.
The building was placed on an artificial hill.

. tenmondai 天文台 Edo observatories .


Kanda-Sakumachō (神田佐久間町)
This district is located on the northeastern part on Chiyoda Ward. Kanda-Sakumachō 1-chōme borders Kanda-Hanaokachō and Kanda-Matsunagachō, and the district's 2 - to 4-chōme border Kanda-Izumichō on the north. The district borders Asakusabashi, Taitō, and Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda on the east. The district's 1-chōme borders (across Kanda River) Kanda-Sudachō and Kanda-Iwamotochō, and its 2- to 4-chōme border Kanda-Sakumagashi on the south. The district borders Soto-Kanda on the west. Kanda-Hirakawachō is located between Kanda-Sakumachō 1-chōme and 2-chōme.

Sakumagashi (佐久間河岸), officially Kanda-Sakumagashi (神田佐久間河岸)
This district is located on the northeastern part of Chiyoda Ward. It borders Kanda-Sakumachō on the north, (across Mikura Bridge) Higashi-Kanda 3-chōme on the east, (across Kanda River) Iwamotochō 3-chōme and Higashi-Kanda 2-chōme on the south, and (across Izumi Bridge of Shōwa-dōri Avenue) Kanda-Sakumachō 1-chōme on the west.
source : wikipedia

source :


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kandasaeki #saekikanda #sakumakanda #kandasakuma #akumacho - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/24/2017 09:36:00 am

24 Jun 2017

EDO TEMPLE - Gofunai temples 86 and 87

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 86 - Joozenin 常泉院 Jozen-In

- 金剛山 Kongosan  常泉院 Jozen-In 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji
文京区春日1-9-3 / Bunkyo ward, Kasuga 1-9-3
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1627 by 卓意 priest Takui.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

It was close to the estate of the 水戸藩 Mito Domain in Edo and under their protection.
In the Meiji period, 赤煉瓦の塀 a wall of red brick was constructed around the compound.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 志度寺 Shiodera in Shikoku :
いざさらば今宵はここに志度の寺 祈りの声を耳に触れつつ
Iza saraba koyoi wa koko ni shido no tera inori no koe o mimi ni furetsutsu

. Shidodera 志度寺 Shido-Dera / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .


Shootendoo 聖天堂 Shoten-Do Hall

. Shooten 聖天 Shoten, Ganesh, Vinaayaka, Nandikeshvara.
Kankiten (Kangiten 歓喜天)



Nr. 87 - Gokokuji 護国寺 Gokoku-Ji
音羽護国寺 Otowa Gokoku-Ji

- 神齢山 Shinreizan 悉地院 Shitchi-In 護国寺 Gokoku-Ji
文京区大塚5-40-1 / Bunkyo ward, Otsuka 5-40-1
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1681 by 亮賢僧正 high priest Ryoken (1611 - 1687)
on behalf of Shogun Tsunayoshi for his mother, 桂昌院 Lady Keisho-In (徳川綱吉 生母).
The main statue is 如意輪観世音菩薩 Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu.

The many temple buildings survived the earthquakes and fires of war and are now important national cultural property.

- quote -
The temple had a variety of attractions to offer. It conducted periodic public displays (kaicho) of memorabilia associated with Keisho-In, attracting large numbers of visitors.
Gokokuji held fifteen such displays over the course of the Edo period and also hosted twenty-five displays of treasures from famous temples outside Edo.
- - - - - Read more about this important temple:
- Layered Landscapes: Early Modern Religious Space Across Faiths and Cultures
edited by Eric Nelson, Jonathan Wright - MORE :
- source : -

江戸名所図会 護国寺

護国寺惣門 / 総門 main gate . . . CLICK here for Photos !
護国寺桂昌殿 Keisho-Hall
護国寺多宝塔 Tahoto tower
護国寺鐘楼 Bell tower
護国寺圓成庵 / 円成庵 Enjo-An Tea house


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji in Shikoku :
あしびきの山鳥の尾の長尾寺 秋の夜すがら み名を唱えよ
Ashibiki no yamadori no o no Nagaodera aki no yosugara mina o tonaete

. Nr. 87 Nagaoji 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
江戸三十三箇所観音霊場 - 33 Kannon Temples of Edo - Nr. 13
東京三十三観音霊場 - 33 Kannon Temples of Tokyo - Nr. 24
Gokoku-Ji was on the Edo-version of the Saikoku Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples, founded in 1771. Gokoku-Ji was linked to 清水寺 Kiyomizudera in Kyoto.
In the compound were many cherry trees to enjoy the blossoms in spring.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : ... gokokuji.html

- 5-40-1 Ōtsuka, Bunkyō-ku, Tokyo
Like many Buddhist temples in Japan, Gokoku-ji has a cemetery on its premises. Among those interred are the remains of the following people:
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Introduction of Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 (1646 - 1709) .
inu kuboo, Inu-Kubō 犬公方 Inu Kubo, the Dog Shogun
and his mother 桂昌院 Keisho-In.


- reference : 御府内八十八 常泉院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 護国寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #jozenin #gokokuji - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/14/2017 09:54:00 am

EDO TEMPLE - Gofunai temples 84 and 85

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 84 - Myoo-In 明王院 Myo-O-In

- 五大山 Godaisan 明王院 Myo-O-In 不動寺 Fudo-Ji 
港区三田4-3-9 / Minato ward, Mita 4-3-9
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in ? by ?? After the Great Fire in 1657, it was moved from 八丁堀 Hatchobori to its present location in the Temple Town of Mita, 三田寺町 Mita Teramachi.
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
It was later revived by 賢榮 priest Kenei.

It is famous for a statue of Kobo Daishi
yakuyoke Daishi 厄除大師 Daishi to protect from evil influence and disaster.
yakuyoke Kooboo 除厄弘法 Yakuyoke Kobo
Kobo Daishi carved a statue for 嵯峨天皇Saga Tenno, when he was in his unauspicious age of 42 years.

Related to the temple 泉福寺 Senpuku-Ji in 三田臺裏町 Mita.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 屋島寺 Yashima-Ji in Shikoku :
梓弓 屋島の宮に詣でつつ 祈りをかけて勇む武夫
Azusa yumi Yashima no tera ni moodetsutsu inori o kakete isamu mono no fu

. Nr. 84 - Yashima-Ji 屋島寺 and Tasaburo 太三郎狸 Tanuki / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .



. yakuyoke 厄除け to ward off evil - Introduction .

. Gofunai Nr. 25 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji .
Yakuyoke Daishi 厄除大師

. Gofunai Nr. 57 明王院 Myoo-In .
(台東区谷中5-4-2)Yanaka, Taito ward


Nr. 85 - Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji

- 大悲山 Daihizan  観音寺 Kannon-Ji
新宿区高田馬場3-37-26 / Shinjuku ward, Takadanobaba 3-37-26
Shingon Sect : 真言系単立 The only temple in the Gofunai pilgrimage that does not belong to any sect.

This temple was founded around 1630 by 宗白大僧都 High Priest Sohaku or かんこう坊 priest Kanko-Bo.
The main statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu, located on the second floor in the Main Hall of the modern building, which is painted in light green. This building was erected in 1984.
On the left side of the gate is a statue of 観自在菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu, on the right side is 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 八栗寺 Yakuri-Ji in Shikoku :
煩悩を胸の智火にて八栗をば 修行者ならでたれか知るべき
Bonnoo o mune no chika nite Yakuri o ba shugyoosha nara de tareka shiru beki

. Nr. 85 五剣山 観自在院 八栗寺 Yakuri-Ji . / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
The temple is Nr. 85 here:
豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 Toshima Henro

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Kannon Bosatsu .



On the left side of the Main Hall is a memorial stone

呼潮へんろ塚 Kocho Henrozuka

in memory of the writer Awaji Kochoo 淡路呼潮 Awaji Kocho (1892-1960) and his Henro pilgrimage to Shikoku

This is related to 吉川英治 Yoshikawa Eiji.
Eiji Yoshikawa
(August 11, 1892 – September 7, 1962) was a Japanese historical novelist.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Gofunai Nr. 42 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .
(台東区谷中5-8-28)Yanaka, Taito

. Gofunai Nr. 52 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .
(新宿区西早稲田1-7-1)Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku


- reference : 御府内八十八 明王院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 観音寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #myooin #kannonji - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/12/2017 09:53:00 am

20 Jun 2017

EDO -TEMPLES - Koganei district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Koganei 小金井 Koganei district
Koganeimura 小金井村 Koganei mura village

lit. small gold well


こがねいてくてく歴史散策! Walk through the history of Koganei !
- reference source : -


Koganei was a famous spot for hanami 花見 cherry blossom viewing.

「小金井の桜」Koganei no sakura
広重 Ando Hiroshige


Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum, Koganei
江戸東京たてもの園 Edo-Tokyo Tatemono-en

Dedicated to the architecture of the late Edo period, this outdoor museum showcases historic buildings.

- quote -
The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is an open air museum in the western suburbs of Tokyo, which exhibits a range of historic buildings from the Tokyo area. The buildings were relocated or reconstructed here in order to preserve a chapter of architectural history, which has been almost completely lost in fires, earthquakes, wars and city redevelopment.

Most of the buildings exhibited are from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) or more recent times, and include among others, a politician's elegant former residence, a farm house, a public bathhouse, various shops and a police box.
The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is a branch museum of the superb Edo-Tokyo Museum in Tokyo's Ryogoku district.
The open air museum is located in the western part of Koganei Park, Koganei City, 25 minutes west of Tokyo's Shinjuku Station by train.
- source : -

- Homepage of the Museum -
- source : -

- Restoration Buildings - Introduction
- source : -


. Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Traditional vegetables of Edo .

Most is now grown in hothouses near the homes of the farmers in Koganei and used for bringing life back into the community (machiokoshi).

nagakabu 長カブ long turnips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

noraboona のらぼう菜 leafy vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

ookura daikon 大蔵大根(おおくらだいこん)extra large radish
It grows up to 50 cm lenght and is very compact. Good for boiling, since it does not change its form.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

shintorina しんとりな / しんとり菜 leafy stem vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Koganei Jinja 小金井神社 Koganei Shrine
4-7-2 Nakacho, Koganei 184-0012, Tokyo

The deity in residence is Sugawara no Michizane, hence the name
Tenman-gu 天満宮.
. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .

- HP of the shrine
Tenmangu Koganei Jinja
- reference source : -


. Tama Shikoku Henro 多摩四国八十八箇所 Pilgrimage .
Two temples are located in 金井市 Koganei:

30 Shinmyooji 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji and 31 天神山 Konzoo-In 金蔵院 Konzo-In


Nr. 30 - Shinmyooji 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji
- 貫井山 妙音院 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji
小金井市貫井南町3-8-4 / Tōkyō-to, Koganei-shi, Nukuiminamichō
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1539 by 阿闍梨海宥 priest Kaiyu Ajari.
The main statue is 胎蔵界大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

『新編武蔵風土記稿』に「真明寺 境内除地七段二十二歩、村の北にあり。貫井山と号す。新義真言宗府中妙光院末。客殿六間に五間。本尊大日、木の坐像、長さー尺。開山開基詳らかならず」と記載されてある。(「小金井市史」より)


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .


Nr. 31 - Kinzoo-In 金蔵院 Kinzo-In
- 天神山 金蔵院 Kinzo-In 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
小金井市中町4-13-25 / Tōkyō-to, Koganei-shi, Nakachō,
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded by 阿闍梨堯存 priest Ajari. He died in 1566.
The main statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Kannon with 11 heads .

The temple was related to 天満宮- 小金井神社 Tenmangu Koganei Jinja
- (所在地)中町4-13-25。新義真言宗豊山派。十一面観音を本尊とする。本堂は正面・側面ともに 9.1m。庫裡は正面 25.48m、側面 9.1m。明和 7年(1770)火災にあい、多くの文書その他を焼失した。幸い過去帳だけは類焼をまぬがれた。その過去帳には慶長年間以降の詳細な記載がある。寺宝に中世以前と思われる仏体及び兆殿司作と伝えられる仏画がある。

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : kinzo



. Nikko Kaido 日光街道 Road to Nikko / Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 .

14. Koganei-shuku (小金井宿) (Shimotsuke - Tochigi)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Koganei-town 小金井市

hitodama 人魂 a bluish-white fireball
It usually appears when somebody has died.

- 関野町 Sekinocho village で、市議会議員をしていた人が亡くなって、その通夜の夕方、隣の家に遊びに来ていた娘の友人が帰るのを見送っていたら、その友人が眼前に人魂を見たと言う。そこは、その議員がいつも自分の自動車を置いている場所だったと言う。
- 緑町の人が、夜9時頃、親子3人井戸端で歯を磨いていたら、近くの家の屋根を越した辺りから人魂が提灯のようにゆっくりふらりふらりと暗い空を東方に飛んで行くのを見た。次ぎの日、その家の人が亡くなったと言う。
- 昭和12・3年頃、お兄さんの家の棟上げの日、現れた。オレンジ色の丸い玉で光っていなかったが、あっと思っている間に消えた。
- 貫井町 Nukui village の人が言うには、人魂が落ちた家には子供が生まれる。
- 梶野町 Kajinocho, village の人が言うには、東の方からオレンジ色の人魂が此方に向かって飛んで来て消えたが、そのときは三鷹の叔父さんが亡くなった時だった。
- 大正初期、曇っていて薄暗い日の3時か4時頃、透き通ったオレンジ色をした丸いものが飛んだ。光らず、尾も曳いていなかった。あまり速くなく冬の太陽の高さだった。森の近くで消えた。
- 戦争中、山本五十六将軍が亡くなった頃、北の方から西の空に大きな木の上を見え隠れしながら飛んでいた。オレンジ色をしていた。


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #koganei - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 4/06/2017 12:43:00 pm

PERSONS - Fuma Kotaro ninja

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Fuuma Kootaroo, Fūma Kotarō 風魔小太郎 Fuma Kotaro
(? - 1603)

source : dustin on facebook
drawing from the Hojo Godaiki (written by Joshin Miura, 1565-1644) depicting Fuma Kotaro and his band of rappa (ninja) raiding a Takeda camp.

He was like an ONI demon - 鬼のような異相の持ち主であったという

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .


- quote
... the name adopted by the leader of the ninja Fūma clan (風魔一党 Fūma-ittō) during the Sengoku era of feudal Japan. According to some records, his name was originally Kazama (風間).
The Fūma clan and Fūma Kotarō
The clan was based in Kanagawa Prefecture, specializing in horseback guerrilla warfare and naval espionage. According to some sources, the family has roots in the 10th century when they served Taira no Masakado in his revolt against the Kyoto government. The use of the name started with the first leader (jonin) of the clan: originally surnamed "風間" (Fūma), with a different kanji, it was later changed to homophone 風魔. Each subsequent leader of the school adopted the same name as its founder, making it difficult to identify them individually. This school was in the service of the Hōjō clan of Odawara.

Fūma Kotarō was the fifth and the best known of the Fūma clan leaders.
Born in Sagami Province (modern Kanagawa Prefecture) on an unknown date, he became notorious as the leader of a band of 200 Rappa "battle disrupters", divided into four groups: brigands, pirates, burglars and thieves. Kotarō served under Hōjō Ujimasa and Hōjō Ujinao. His biggest achievement came in 1580, when the Fūma ninja covertly infiltrated and attacked a camp of the Takeda clan forces under Takeda Katsuyori at night, succeeding in causing severe chaos in the camp, which resulted in mass fratricide among the disoriented enemies. In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi laid siege to Odawara Castle, which eventually fell, and the Hōjō clan was forced to surrender.

When the Tokugawa shogunate came to power, the remnants of Fūma-ryū were reduced to a band of brigands operating in and around Edo. A popular but fictional story says that in 1596, Kotarō was responsible for the death of Hattori Hanzō, a famous ninja in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had tracked him down in the Inland Sea, but Kotarō has succeeded in luring him into a small channel, where a tide trapped the Tokugawa gunboats and his men then set fire to the channel with oil. Kotarō was eventually caught by the shogunate's special law-enforcement force, guided by his rival and a former Takeda ninja Kosaka Jinnai (高坂甚内), and executed through beheading by an order of Ieyasu in 1603.

- - - - - In folklore and popular culture

In a folk legend, he is often an inhuman figure: a supposedly part-oni monstrous giant (over 2 meters tall) with inverted eyes.
In fiction portrayals, Fūma Kotarō is often depicted as Hattori Hanzō's arch-rival. As the name Fūma literally means "wind demon", Fūma Kotarō's depiction is frequently more flamboyant, fantastical, and sometimes even demonic. In contrast, Hanzō is usually rendered with a relatively subdued appearance.
Kotarō is a player character in the video game Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny as a young ninja in the service of the Hōjō clan, also returning in the spin-offs Onimusha Tactics and Onimusha Soul. He is also a main character in the World Heroes fighting game series (as "Fuuma"), also featured in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum together with his main rival Hanzo.
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Onimusha 鬼武者 Demon Warrior

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Onimusha (鬼武者, literally "Oni Warrior") is a series of video games by developer Capcom.
The series makes use of the historic figures that shaped Japan's history, retelling their stories with supernatural elements. Most of the games are of the action-adventure game genre, a combination of third person combat and puzzle solving, where the protagonist wields the power of the Oni, enabling them to fight the Genma, the main enemy of the series. As of 2012, Onimusha is Capcom's sixth biggest franchise, behind the Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Monster Hunter, and Devil May Cry series.
- - - - - Onimusha: Warlords
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忍者 - 鬼忍

. ninja 忍者 spies - Introduction .
Hattori Hanzo 服部半蔵, the famous Ninja from Iga (1541 - 1596) 
February 22 is the Ninja Day 忍者の日.


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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 6/16/2017 01:19:00 pm

17 Jun 2017

EDO - Gofunai temples 82 and 83

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 82 - Ryuufuku-In 龍福院 Ryufuku-In

- 青林山 Seirinzan  龍福院 Ryufuku-In
台東区元浅草3-17-2 / Taitō ward, Motoasakusa 3-17-2
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded by 如桂法印, who died in 1687.
It was moved to its present location in 1645.

The main statue is 金剛界大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai, said to be carved by Kobo Daishi.
There is also a seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 根香寺 Negoro-Ji in Shikoku :
宵の間のたへふる霜の消えぬれば あとこそ鉦の勤行のこえ
Yoi no ma no taefuru shimo no kienureba ato koso kane no gongyoo no koe

. Nr. 82 根香寺 Negoro-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

The 山門 iron gate is often closed, so it is a good idea to contact before visiting.

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

In the compound is a memorial stone of the Ukiyo-e artist
小林清親 Kobayashi Kiyochika

清親画伯之碑 Kiyochika

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Kobayashi Kiyochika
(10 September 1847 – 28 November 1915) was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, best known for his ukiyo-e colour woodblock prints and newspaper illustrations. His work documents the rapid modernization and Westernization Japanese underwent during the Meiji period (1868–1912) and employs a sense of light and shade called kōsen-ga  inspired by Western art techniques.

His work first found an audience in the 1870s with prints of red-brick buildings and trains that had proliferated after the Meiji Restoration; his prints of the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95 were also popular. Woodblock printing fell out of favour during this period, and many collectors consider Kobayashi's work the last significant example of ukiyo-e.

..... Kiyochika's depictions of the Westernization of Meiji Japan has both benefited and hindered later assessment of his work; it disappoints collectors looking for an idealized Japan of old that lures many to ukiyo-e, while it provides a historical record of the radical changes of the time.
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Nr. 83 - Renjoo-In 蓮乗院 Renjo-In

- 放光山 Hokozan 蓮乗院 Renjo-In 千眼寺 Sengen-Ji
新宿区若葉2-8-6 / Shinjuku ward, Wakaba 2-8-6
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded around 1580 by 鏡現上人 Saint Kyogen.
It was moved to its present location in 1611. The old buildings were lost in the fires of WWII.
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
There is also a statue of 十一面観音菩薩 Kannon with 11 Heads.

On the left side of the entrance gate is a stone memorial with the red inscription for Kobo Daishi:
南無大師遍照金剛 Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji in Shikoku :
Sanuki Ichinomiya no mimae ni aogimite kami no kokoro o dare kashira yuu

. Nr. 83 神毫山 大宝院 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Amida Nyorai .



- reference : 御府内八十八 龍福院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 蓮乗院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/10/2017 09:52:00 am