Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts

2 Apr 2017

TEMPLES EDO - Gofunai temples 44 and 45

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 44 - Kenshooji 顕性寺 Kensho-Ji

- 金剛山 Kongozan 蓮華院 Renge-In 顕性寺 Kensho-Ji
新宿区須賀町13-5 / 3-5 Sugachō, Shinjuku ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1611 by 賢秀法印 High Priest Katahide.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

The temple was first located at 牛込御門外 Ushigome Gomongai, and was moved to its present location in 1634.
It was a sub-temple of 中野宝仙寺 Nakano Hozen-Ji, now it is a sub-temple of 音羽護国寺 Otowa Gokoku-Ji (?Gofunai Nr. 87).
. Nr. 12 - Nakano Hozenji 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji . .

The building now is modern, in Western style, with the main temple hall on the second floor.

The statue of Amida Nyorai was carved by Kobo Daishi from a cutting board (manaita) and is thus called
Manaita Daishi 俎板大師 Daishi (carving) from a cutting board.
It is about 1 meter tall.

At the entrance to the small road is a stone marker.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 大寶寺 / 大宝寺 Daiho-Ji in Shikoku :
今の世は大悲のめぐみ菅生山 ついには弥陀の誓いをぞまつ  
Ima no yo wa daihi no megumi sugausan tsui ni wa mida no chikai o zo matsu

. 44 - 菅生山 Sugozan  大覚院 Daikaku-in 大寶寺 / 大宝寺 Daiho-Ji - Taiho-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .



From here starts the second half of the Shikoko Henro Pilgrimage ! Temples 45 to 88 !
伊予(愛媛)菩提の道場 -- bodai enlightenment - Ehime Iyo

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .


Nr. 45- Kanzooin 観蔵院 Kanzo-In

- 広幡山 Kobanzan 観蔵院 Kanzo-In 善應寺 Zeno-Ji
台東区元浅草3-18-5 / 3 Chome-18-5 Motoasakusa, Taitō ward
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded in 1611 by 証円法印 priest Shoen.
The main statue is 如意輪観世音菩薩 Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu.

It was first located at 中野屋鋪 Nakano Yashiki, and moved to its present location in 1645.
It is a sub-temple of 大塚護国寺 Otsuka Gokoku-Ji.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji in Shikoku :
だいしょうの いのる力のげにいわや 石のなかにも極楽ぞある
Daishō no inoru chikara no ge ni iwaya ishi no naka ni mo gokuraku zo aru

. 45 Iwayaji 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji . / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
The temple is Nr. 83 here:
. 荒川辺八十八ヶ所霊場 Arakawa 88 Henro Temples .

In the compound is a statue of
shugyoo daishi 修行大師 Shugyo Kobo Daishi during his ascetic training

With his left foot one step forward, since he is still on the road to enlightenment.

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Nyoirin Kannon - Wish-fulfilling Kannon .



- reference : 御府内八十八 顕性寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 観蔵院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #kenshoji #kanzoin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/20/2017 12:52:00 pm

TEMPLES - Tokyo Arakawa Henro Pilgrims

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

Arakawa 88 Henro Temples 荒川辺八十八ヶ所霊場

shugyoo daishi 修行大師 Shugyo Kobo Daishi during his ascetic training

With his left foot one step forward, since he is still on the road to enlightenment.
At temple Nr. 83.


01 根岸世尊寺(台東区根岸3-13-22)
02 根岸西蔵院(台東区根岸3-12-38)
03 龍泉龍泉寺(台東区竜泉2-17-15)
04 清川宝蔵院(台東区清川1-3-5)
05 三河島仙光院(現耳無不動三峯神社)
06 荒川観音寺(荒川区荒川4-5-1)
07 西日暮里養福寺(荒川区西日暮里3-3-8)
08 西日暮里浄光寺(荒川区西日暮里3-4-3)
09 町屋慈眼寺(荒川区町屋2-20-12)

10 東尾久阿遮院(荒川区東尾久3-6-25)
11 東尾久華蔵院(荒川区東尾久8-46-2)
12 上尾久勝願寺、現地蔵寺(荒川区西尾久3-10-6)
13 宝蔵院(荒川区西尾久3-16-19)
14 堀船延命寺(北区堀船4-10-12)
15 堀船福性寺(北区堀船3-10-16)
16 滝野川金剛寺(北区滝野川3-88-17)
17 滝野川寿徳寺(北区滝野川4-22-1)
18 豊島清光寺(北区豊島7-31-7)
19 豊島観音寺、現清光寺(北区豊島7-31-7)

20 豊島西福寺(北区豊島2-14-1)
21 小台村延命寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
22 江北地福寺(足立区江北2-41-2)
23 江北恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
24 沼田村能満寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
25 宮城村円満寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
26 小台村正覚寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
27 小台村観性寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
28 高野村宝性院、現吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
29 扇瑞応寺(足立区扇1-5-37)

30 本木吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
31 本木村円乗院、現吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
32 本木光輪寺(足立区本木1-26-25)
33 本木村善覚寺、現西福寺(北区豊島2-14-1)
34 本木村宝寿院(足立区本木東町27-20)
35 興野村清光寺善応寺(足立区興野2-20-5)
36 興野村善応寺(足立区興野2-20-5)
37 西新井村観智院、現西新井大師総持寺(足立区西新井1-15-1)
38 西新井村惣浄寺、現西新井大師総持寺(足立区西新井1-15-1)
39 栗原満願寺(足立区栗原3-6-6)

40 島根来迎寺(足立区島根3-11-9)
41 関原不動尊大聖寺(足立区関原2-22-10)
42 梅田遍照院(足立区梅田5-9-3)
43 梅田明王院(足立区梅田4-15-30)
44 千住慈眼寺(足立区千住1-2-9)
45 千住不動院(足立区千住1-2-2)
46 千住金蔵寺(足立区千住2-63)
47 千住長円寺(足立区千住4-27-5)
48 千住安養院(足立区千住5-17-9)
49 梅田眞福寺(足立区梅田1-1-23)

50 綾瀬長性寺(足立区西綾瀬3-19-19)
51 綾瀬観音寺(足立区綾瀬4-9-6)
52 綾瀬薬師寺(足立区綾瀬1-14-20)
53 養福寺(足立区綾瀬2-19-13)
54 円性寺(足立区東和1-29-22)
55 宝蔵寺(足立区東和2-5-24)
56 恵明寺(葛飾区亀有3-32-25)
57 普賢寺(葛飾区東堀切3-9-3)
58 九品寺(葛飾区堀切6-22-16)
59 正王寺(葛飾区堀切5-29-14)

60 正覚寺(葛飾区小菅1-3-6)
61 理性院(足立区柳原2-5-1)
62 宝性寺(葛飾区堀切4-54-2)
63 西光院(足立区千住曙町27-1)
64 極楽寺(葛飾区堀切2-25?21)Gokuraku-Ji
65 多聞寺(墨田区墨田5-31-13)
66 正福寺(墨田区墨田2-6-20)
67 善福院(葛飾区四つ木3-4-29)
68 宝蔵寺(墨田区八広6-9-17)
69 正覚寺(墨田区八広3-5-2)

70 東向島真光寺、現蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
71 東向島西蔵院、現蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
72 蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
73 宝蓮寺(江東区亀戸4-35-12)
74 竜光寺(江東区亀戸3-56-14)
75 東覚寺(江東区亀戸4-24-1)
76 勝智院(江東区大島5-39-30)
77 持宝院(江東区北砂4-22-6)
78 長寿寺(江東区亀戸3-10-2)
79 仙蔵寺(台東区寿2-8-15)

80 本智院(北区滝野川1-58-2)
81 大乗院(台東区元浅草4-5-16)
82 延命院(台東区元浅草4-5-2)
. 83 観蔵院 Kanzo-In (台東区元浅草3-18-5) .
84 地蔵院(台東区元浅草1-15-8)
85 上野町一乗院(廃寺)(旧地:下谷上野)
. 86 松葉町清光院青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji(板橋区成増4-36-2) .
87 万年町大聖院(台東区北上野1-1-5)
88 根岸千手院(台東区根岸3-12-48)


- reference source : -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @arakawapilgrims #arakawahenro - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 1/04/2017 11:10:00 am

1 Apr 2017

TEMPLE EDO - Gofunai temples 42 and 43

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 42 - Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji

- 蓮葉山 Renyozan 妙智院 Myochi-In 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
台東区谷中5-8-28 / 5 Chome-8-28 Yanaka, Taitō ward
Shingon Sect : 新義真言宗

This temple was founded in 1611 by 尊雄和尚 priest Takao.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

The temple was first build in 神田北寺町 Kanda Kitateramachi and moved to its present location in 1680. It was first called 長福寺 Chofuku-Ji, but renamed Kannon-Ji in 1716.
It is closely related to the Ako Roshi events, see below.

The temple's tsuijibei 築地塀 "mud wall" is very beautiful and a special monument of Yanaka.

. tsuijibei 築地塀 Tsuiji wall - Introduction .


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 仏木寺 Butsumoku-Ji in Shikoku :
草も木も仏になれる仏木寺 なお頼もしき鬼畜人天
Kusa mo ki mo hotoke ni nareru Butsumokuji naota no moshiki kichiku ninten

. 仏木寺 Butsumoku-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
上野王子駒込辺三十三ヶ所観音霊場 Nr. 32 of the 33 Kannon Temples Ueno

- Homepage of the temple
- source :



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

Memorial stone for the 赤穂浪士 供養塔 Ako Roshi
The well-known story of a group of 47 rōnin (leaderless samurai) avenging the death of their master, Asano Naganori.

The two members of the 47 Ronin, 近松勘六行重 Chikamatsu Kanroku Yukishige (1670 - 1703) and 奥田貞右衛門行高 Okuda Sadaemon Yukitaka (1678 - 1703), were brothers of the 6th head priest of this temple, 朝山大和尚 high Priest Asayama.
The Ronin also used this temple often for their secret meetings.
After their death, this monument was erected in their honor.

鹿松諫六行重 Shikamatsu (Chikamatsu)

. 47 Ako Ronin and the Chushingura 47 浪人 / 忠臣蔵 .
Their graves are at temple 泉岳寺 Sengaku-Ji.


Nr. 43 - Joojuuin 成就院 Joju-In

- 神勝山 Shinshozan 成就院 Joju-In
台東区元浅草4-8-12 / 4 Chome-8-12 Motoasakusa, Taitō ward
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded in 1611 by 観宥法印 high priest Kanyu.
The main statue is 三尊弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai, three statues.

The temple was first located in Asakusa, 矢の倉 Yanokura and moved to its present location around 1650.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 明石寺 Meiseki-Ji . in Shikoku :
聞くならく千手の誓いふしぎには 大盤石もかろくあげ石
Kiku naraku senju fushigi no chikara ni wa daibanjaku mo karoku ageishi

. 源光山 Genkozan  円手院 Enshu-In - 明石寺 Meiseki-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

Temple Gofunai 78 in Asakusa has the same name, and is usually called
下谷田中成就院 Shitaya Tanaka Joju-In.
This temple is called Hyakkannon Joju-In 百観音成就院 Joju-In of the 100 Kannon Pilgrimage.

. Introduction of Kannon Bosatsu .


成就院百観音 In the Edo period there were indeed 100 statues of Kannon in the compound. This made it easier for the believers to do the pilgrimage, even if it was on a small scale, in one temple.

There are 100 Kannon Statues to be venerated on three main Kannon pilgrimages:
100 Kannon statues of Saikoku, Bando and Chichibu. 西国三十三番 33、坂東三十三番 33、秩父三十四番観音霊場 34.



- reference : 御府内八十八 観音寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 成就院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #kannonji #jojuin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/18/2017 12:51:00 pm

TEMPLES EDO - Gofunai temples 40 and 41

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

From here starts the third part of the Shikoku Pilgrimage to 26 temples
伊予(愛媛)菩提の道場 -- bodai enlightenment - Ehime Iyo

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .


Nr. 40 - Fumonin 普門院 Fumon-In

- 福聚山 Fukujuzan 普門院 Fumon-In  善應寺 Zeno-Ji
江東区亀戸3-43-3 / 3 Chome-43-3 Kameido, Kōtō ward
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded in 1552 by 長賢上人 Saint Choken.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

Its first location was at a place where three rivers met, (隅田川 Sumidagawa, 荒川 Arakawa and 綾瀬川 Ayasekawa).
The temple has been relocated to its present place in 1616. During that event, the 梵鐘 great bronze bell fell into the river, which gave rise to the name of the location, 鐘ヶ淵 Kanegafuchi, now in 墨田区 Sumida ward.

綾瀬川鐘ヶ淵 The Ayase River and Kanegafuchi
安藤広重 Ando Hiroshige

The Shogun often came here to rest during their hawking excursions and sat on the famous pine tree

普門院境内御腰掛の松 o-koshikake no matsu
- Ehon Edo Miyage 絵本江戸土産 Illustrated Souvenir Books of Edo

In the compound is a bronze statue of a special Kannon Bosatsu, one of the 33 Kannon types.

jikyoo kannon 持経観音 Jikyo Kannon holding a sutra roll

. 三十三観音 33 Incarnations of Kannon Bosatsu .


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 観自在寺 Kanjizai-Ji in Shikoku :
心願や自在の春に花咲きて 浮世のがれて住むやけだもの
Shingan ya jizai no haru ni hana sakite ukiyo nogarete sumu yake da mono

. Kanjizaiji 観自在寺 Kanjizai-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimage:
Related to the Kameido Pilgrimage : 亀戸七福神の毘沙門天 Bishamonten
. 東京都の七福神 Shichi Fukujin Seven Gods of God Luck in Tokyo .

普門院毘沙門堂 Bislhamon Hall at Fumon-In

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .

Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Six Jizo Statues in the compound

- - - - - The temple is related to
大島伯鶴 Oshima Hakkaku (1857 - 1912)
伊藤左千夫 Ito Sachiyo (1864 - 1913)



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

Ooshima Hakkaku, Ōshima 大島伯鶴 Oshima Hakkaku (1857 - 1912)
stone memorial

He was a 講釈 Koshaku story teller.
The first : His name was 大島光利 Oshima Mitsutoshi. He was a samurai from Fukushima, Shirakawa.
His teacher was 松林伯圓 Shorin Hakuen (1834 - 1905).

The second Hakkaku: 大島保利 Oshima Yasutoshi (1879 - 1946). He used the name Hakkaku since 1911.

. koodan 講談  kooza 講座 kooshaku 講釈 story telling in Edo .


Itoo Sachio, Itō Sachio 伊藤左千夫 Ito Sachiyo (1864 - 1913)
grave marker for the Tanka poet

..... the pen-name of Itō Kōjirō 伊藤幸次郎, Ito Kojiro,
a Japanese tanka poet and novelist active during the Meiji period of Japan.
- details at wikipedia -


Nr. 41 - Mitsuzooin 密蔵院 Mitsuzo-In

- 十善山 Juzenzan 密蔵院 Mitsuzo-In 蓮花寺 Renge-Ji
中野区沼袋2-33-4 / 2 Chome-33-4 Numabukuro, Nakano ward
Shingon Sect : 御室派 Omuro branch

This temple was founded in 1611 by 慶誉法印 / 慶誉上人 high priest Keiyo.
He was priest at the temple 小田原蓮華寺 Renge-Ji in Odawara, a clan temple of the 北条氏 Hojo, and Tokugawa Ieyasu invited him to come to Edo. He received the temple land at 矢之倉 Yanokura to built a temple to house a statue of Shogun Jizo, which he moved from Oawara. The temple burned down many times and the statue of Jizo was lost.
The temple was moved to 浅草の新寺町 the New Temple Town in Asakusa in 1644.
It was moved to its present location in 1950.
(Yanokura, today 東日本橋一丁目 Higashi Nihonbashi)

The main statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with Eleven Heads

and a painting of 勝軍地蔵 Shogun Jizo Bosatsu
. General Shogun Jizo to win a battle .

The gate is very simple, without a roof, kabuki mon 冠木門 - see below - .


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji in Shikoku :
この神は三国流布の密教を 守り給わむ誓いとぞきく
Kono kami wa sangoku rufu no mikkyoo o mamori tamawamu chikai to zo kiku

. Ryuukooji 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji / Shikoku .
Temple of Dragon's Ray 龍光寺


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Introduction of Kannon Bosatsu .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

- quote -
kabukimon 冠木門 - Also written koumon 衡門 (koomon).
A roofless gate composed of two square gate posts hashira 柱, either set directly into the ground hottatebashira 堀立柱, or placed on square base stones, nemaki-ishi 根巻石 (see nemaki 根巻).
A heavy horizontal beam or lintel, called kabuki 冠木, is inserted into the posts.
Usually small timbers are placed across the under side of the kabuki beam and sometimes vertically against the inner sides of the posts into which the gate doors are attached. Sometimes the gate doors are secured directly to the posts themselves. The doors open inward.
The top side of the door is straight. Occasionally the door is hung with a space between the door bottom and the ground sill, not only for aesthetic reasons but to prevent water from heavy rains collecting under the doors.
The doors are made of heavy vertical planks and are attached to the posts with decorative hinges called hassou kanagu 八双金具. The doors may have metal decoration called manjuu kanamono 饅頭金物 (see manjuugata 饅頭形). The tops of the posts are pyramidal in shape and are called tokin 兜巾. The band around the tops of the posts and around the kabuki lintel are called fukurin 覆輪.
The posts often are supported on the inner face by an arrangement of props or secondary posts called hikaebashira 控柱 which are connected to the posts with diagonal tie beams and a lower straight tie beam.
Kabukimon may also have a small side door called kowakitobira 小脇扉 attached to one of the posts of the gate.

- - - - - Eikando Minamimon 永観堂南門 (Kyoto)

This type of gate dates back to the Kamakura period and was used by low ranking people. By the Muromachi period, it was used at warriors mansions and as a castle gates.
The use of this type of gate for residences increased during the Edo period.
- source : JAANUS -

. mon 門 gate of a temple, castle, town or estate .

. Edopedia .


- reference : 御府内八十八 普門院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 密蔵院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/16/2017 12:48:00 pm

24 Mar 2017

EDO - Ushigome district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ushigome 牛込
- former - Ushigome-Ku 牛込区 Ushigome ward

The area used to be an extensive pasture land for cattle already in the Asuka period around 700, hence the name, "herds of cattle".

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In an edict during the reign of Monmu Tennō 文武天皇 Emperor Monmu (701-704) a place variously referred to as Kanzaki no Gyūmaki 神崎牛牧 Kanzaki Cattle Ranch and Gyūnyūin 乳牛院"The Milk Institute" was established in the area in the vicinity of Moto-Akagi Jinja 元赤城神社 Old Akagi Shrine.
A branch of the Ōgo Ōgo-shi 大胡氏 Ogo clan from Kōzuke no Kuni 上野国 Kōzuke Province had been living in the Ushigome area since the 1300's.
- source : -

- reference source : Akagi Shrine Homepage -

On March 15, 1947, the three wards of Yotsuya, Ushigome, and Yodobashi merged to create Shinjuku City.
. Shinjuku 新宿  .

- quote
Ushigome moat, a moat that exists between Iidabashi Station and Ichigaya Station. It forms part of the boundary between Shinjuku and Chiyoda wards.
Ushigome Mitsuke, one of the 36 mitsuke of the Edo Castle, existed on the Chiyoda side of Ushigome bridge.
Ushigome Haraikatamachi 牛込払方町 (p63)
Ushigome Yanagichō 柳町 - "Cow-Packed Willow Town"
- source : wikipedia

牛込馬場下横町 Ushigome Babashita Yokocho (present 喜久井町 Kikuicho)
Ushigome Go-Tansucho 牛込御箪笥町 "Village of Tansu makers" (see below)

牛込神楽坂 Ushigome Kagurazaka
Utagawa Hiroshige, 1840.

Ushigomebashi 牛込橋 Ushigome Bridge
This bridge led from Kagurazaka to Edo Castle. If you crossed the bridge you would arrive at Ushigome-mitsuke 牛込見附 Ushigome Approach and there you would see the Ushigome go-mon 牛込御門 Ushigome Gate. The bridge spanned Ushigomebori 牛込濠 Ushigome Moat. Today the moat is dammed up under the bridge and the Chūō Line runs under it.

The Weir of the River Kandagawa at Kagurazaka
Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会 「目白下大洗堰」


Bentenchoo 牛込弁天町 Ushigome Bentencho
. 多聞院 Tamon-In .
(新宿区弁天町100) Bentencho, Shinjuku

. Ushigome Kagurazaka 牛込神楽坂 "Slope of the Music of the Gods" .
軽子坂 Karukozaka Slope of the light workers"

. Ushigome Yaraicho 矢来町 "Palisade quarter" .


牛込城 remains of Ushigome Castle

In 1553 a member of the Ōgo-shi 大胡氏 Ōgo clan switched allegiance from the Uesugi to the Hōjō and in return was granted dominion over the area stretching from present day Ushigome to Hibiya (ie; Edo Bay). The lord built a castle (fortified residence) somewhere in that area and took the place name to establish his own branch of the family and thus the Ushigome clan was born, 牛込氏 Ushigome-shi. The area is elevated so it would have been defensible. It also had a view of Edo Bay and so they could keep an eye on who was coming in and out of Edo-wan E江戸湾 do Bay.
... It's not clear where the castle was located, but there is a tradition at Kōshō-ji 光照寺 Kōshō Temple that says the temple was built on the site of 牛込城 Ushigome Castle.
- source : -

- CLICK for more photos of the area !

. Ushigome Katsushige 牛込勝重 .
lord of 牛込城 Ushigome Castle.
and more about Tansumachi 箪笥町 / Koishikawa Gotansu Machi 小石川御箪笥町
In 1713, this area was entrusted to a local magistracy and a town was developed. The original name of the town was 牛込御箪笥町 Ushigome go-tansu machi.

Ushigome Go-Tansucho 牛込御箪笥町 "Village of Tansu makers"

haru tatsu ya burari Ushigome Tansumachi

spring begins -
I take a leisurely walk in Ushigome
Tansumachi town

赤瀬川昌彦 Akasegawa Masahiko

. tansu 箪笥 / 簞笥 / たんす chest of drawers, Kommode .
箪笥町 Tansumachi, Tansucho

Tansumachi 箪笥町 / Koishikawa Gotansu Machi 小石川御箪笥町


Kōitsu, 土屋光逸 Tsuchiya Koitsu (1870 – 1949)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Asakusa 浅草

Tanaka 田中幸右衛門 Tanaka Koemon

Tanaka Koemon lived in Ushigome Yamabushicho. One day he went to Asakusa and on his way back bought
金龍山の餅 special rice cakes from the famous shop Kinryuzan.
When he passed the gate 田安門 Tayasumon, he heard a strange voice call his name. He became afraid and threw the rice cakes in the direction of the voice, coming home empty-handed.

. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .
Now 市谷山伏町 Ichigaya Yamabushicho, Shinjuku

金竜山浅草餅本舗 Kinryuzan Mochi Shop in Asakusa, Nakamise
2 Chome-3-1 Asakusa, Taito, Tokyo
The Seikannon Sect of the Asakusa Temple carries the official name of Kinryuzan.

Tayasu-mon, Entrance to 北の丸公園 Kitanomaru Park
Two gated entrances survive from time of Edo Castle the Shimizu-mon and further north the Tayasu-mon.
The Tayasu-mom was the northern most gate of Edo Castle and consists of both a Korai-mon style outer gate and a Yagura-mon style fortified inner gatehouse with highly stacked stone walls forming a narrow defensive courtyard between the two.
An inscription on the outer side of the Tayasu-mon states the gate was constructed in 1685, making it one of the oldest surviving structures of the original castle.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

daihooshi 大法師 The Great Priest

In 牛込山伏町 Yamabushicho, a man named 朝倉八十五郎 Asakura Yasogoro wanted to put up residence. When he came to the Gate, there stood a very large priest. Yasogoro was not afraid and greeted him properly. Suddenly he felt something trying to sneek into his sleeve. When he looked back to the road, the priest had suddenly disapeared.

dainaru hi 大なる燈 The Great Lantern

Around 1720 there was a Kannon temple called 伝通院 Dentsu-In. On the 25th day of the first lunar there appeared a strange light like a lantern above the temple, slowly moving from North to South. It then moved up to the sky and became a star which glowed and sparkled every night. On the 8th day of the third lunar month there was a large fire, covering the area from Ushigome to 千住 Senju. Later they found the bodies of many people who had died in the garden of this temple.

. 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo .
12 伝通院(文京区小石川3-14-6) Nr. 12 - Dentsu-In

hikarimono 光り物 great light

At night on the 8th day of the 10th lunar month, a huge stone fell from the sky in Ushigome.
The year before, a similar stone had fallen down in 八王子 Hachioji.
There was thunder in the night and a light like a lightning.

koku-un 黒雲 black cloud

In the year 1668, on the 6th day of the second lunar month, it suddenly begun to hail with a great thunderstorm.
Someone had died at Ushigome. When the body was brought to the burial ground for burning, a black cloud came down from the sky and covered the bones. From the could the bones of legs were danglilng down. Yes, many people have seen this.


kuruiji 狂い死 a mad death

In Ushigome there was a female doctor, who suddenly fell down with great pain and begun to cry and shout in the voice of a child in pain. Then the pain was like splitting the skull and tearing her heart and stomach open. She even tried to murder some children in her hospital and after three days of mad behavior she finally died. This doctor had often given medicine and help for abortions, and this was the revenge for her cruel deeds.

neko Jizo 猫地蔵 Jizo and the Cat
Once in Edo there lived a man in Ushigome. He had a beloved cat, but the animal died and he was very sad.
Jizo Bosatsu appeared in his dream and advised him to go to the temple Jishoo-In 自性院 Jisho-In to see the high priest 鑑秀上人. He told him to have the statue of a cat erected.
This is now the Migawari Jizo, which takes on our illness and problems.
. neko Jizoo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat" .

Sarayashiki 皿屋敷 The Dish Mansion

Banchō Sarayashiki 番町皿屋敷 The Dish Mansion at Banchō
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The story of the Sarayashiki is located in three places of Edo, one of them is 江戸牛込御門 Ushigome Gomon Gate.
The other is the Mansion of the lord of the domain of 雲州松江 Unshu Matsue and even 播州 Harima.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Ushigome ni furuki yumishi ya noki shoobu

this old bow maker
at Ushigome -
iris under the eaves

Tr. Gabi Greve

中村吉右衛門 Nakamura Kichiemon

. WKD : noki shoobu 軒菖蒲 iris under the eaves" .
noki ayame 軒あやめ "iris under the eaves"
- - kigo for mid-summer - -

In 1689 Matsuo Basho (松尾芭蕉) crossed the Natori River and entered Sendai, Miyagi on The Narrow Road to Oku.'
It was the day they celebrate by converting their roofs with 'Sweet flags', or Calami' (あやめ). He visited there around the time of the Sweet Flags Festival (あやめの節句) (5th day of Fifth Month, also called the Boy's Festival), when sweet flags were displayed on the eaves of houses to drive away evil spirits, or they took "Shobuyu, or 菖蒲湯 (bath with floating sweet flag leaves)" baths. The leaves keep mosquitoes and snakes away with strong fragrance.


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ushigome - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 3/08/2017 10:16:00 am