8 Apr 2017

TEMPLES - Gofunai 46 and 47


Gofunai temples 46 and 47

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

These two temples are related to the doctors who attended to the Shogunal family.


Nr. 46 - Mirokuji 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji

- 萬徳山 Mantokuzan 聖宝院 Shobo-In 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji
墨田区立川1-4-13 / 1 Chome-4-13 Tatekawa, Sumida ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1610 by 宥鑁法印 priest Yuban Hoin.
The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai - Kawakami Yakushi 川上薬師, dedicated by
徳川光圀 Tokugawa Mitsukuni.
The statue was once venerated in a temple in the Hitachi domain of Mitsukuni. When the temple was raided by religious adversaries, the statue was thrown into the river 那珂川 Nakagawa by Mitsukuni, but instead of floating downriver, it moved upriver (kawakami) for a few kilometers to safety. Thus it became a favorite of Mitsukuni.

. Tokugawa Mitsukuni - 水戸黄門 Mito Komon .

The temple was a sub-temple of 醍醐寺三宝院 Daigo-Ji, Sanbo-In in Kyoto.
Now it is a sub-temple of 根来寺 Negoro-Ji.

The temple was first founded in 小石川鷹匠町 Koishikawa Takajomachi and moved to 本所 Honjo in 1689 to become an important, large temple with many sub-temples.
Near it are popular Inari shrines, 元徳稲荷 Gentoku Inari and 徳山稲荷 Tokuyama Inari.
It also had various sub-temples, but nowadays only three of then, 徳上院 Tokujo-In, 法樹院 Hoju-In
and 龍光院 Ryuko-In belong to it.
Nowadays if is famous for its regular sermons, which are delivered in a humorous, unique fashion.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 浄瑠璃寺 Joruri-Jii in Shikoku :
楽の浄瑠璃世界たくらえば 受くる苦楽は報いならまし
Gokuraku no jooruri sekai takuraeba ukuru kuraku wa mukui naramashi

. 浄瑠璃寺 Joruri-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimage:
江戸十二薬師 Edo 12 Yakushi Temples - Nr. 06

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/sumida/temple_tatekawa_miroku

This temple belongs to the 関東四ヵ寺の一寺 / 江戸四ヶ寺 "four important temples of Edo" of the sect 新義真言宗 Shingi Shingon-Shu:
青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji (Nr. 19) - the first one
根生院 Konjo-In (Nr. 35) // 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji (Nr. 67) // 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji (Nr. 46)

. Introduction of Yakushi Nyorai .


弥勒寺 観音像 Kannon Bosatsu


A fudezuka 筆塚 brush mound in honor of the calligraphy master 相沢春洋 Aizawa Shunyo (1896 - 1963)
is in the compound.


弥勒寺 杉山和一墓 The grave of Sugiyama Waichi (1610 - 1694) is in the compound.
- see below -



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

- quote -
Sugiyama Waichi 杉山和一 / 杉山検校 Sugiyama Kengyo (1614–1694)
was a Japanese acupuncturist, widely regarded as the "Father of Japanese Acupuncture".

An eye-disease in infancy blinded Sugiyama from a very early age. At the age of ten he moved from Kyoto to Edo (Tokyo) to study massage and other therapeutic techniques under Ryomei Irie, one of the most famous medical practitioners of the era. His apprenticeship was short; Irie quickly dismissing him as "dull". On his way back to Kyoto, Sugiyama fasted and prayed for 100 days at the shrine of the goddess Benzaiten at Enoshima Cave, where he reputedly discovered the secret of the shinkan ("insertion tube") after pricking himself on a needle wrapped in a leaf.
His development of the shinkan,
combined with his use of extremely fine gold and silver needles, allowed for comparatively painless acupuncture, and resulted in considerable expansion of the art; for this reason he is often referred to as the "father of Japanese acupuncture". He started around forty-five schools teaching massage and acupuncture to other blind people, resulting in the prevalent association in Japan between blindness and physical therapy. After Sugiyama effected a cure for a neurotic disease afflicting shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi his work received official state endorsement, which greatly increased the popularity of his schools.

Sugiyama's grave
can be found in the graveyard of the Miroku-Temple in Tokyo (Sumida-ku).
Sugiyama's teachings
were recorded by his disciples and printed for the first time in 1880: Ryōji no taigaishū, Senshin no yōshū, and Igaku setsuyōshū.
- source : wikipedia -

杉山和一の刺鍼テクニック - by 大浦慈観

. Acupuncture - Introduction .


Nr. 47 - Jookanji 城官寺 Jokan-Ji

- 平塚山 Hiratsukazan 安楽院 Anraku-In 城官寺 Jokan-Jii
北区上中里1-42-8 / 1 Chome-42-8 Kaminakazato, Kita ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派
Named after doctor 山川城官貞久 Yamakawa Jokan Shokyu.

The date of its founding is unclear.
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
The statue is made from shaku sendan 赤栴檀 red Chinaberry Bead Tree, Melia azedarach wood and about 30 cm high. It was made by 毘首羯摩 Bishu Katsuma.
(Bishu Katsuma, Visvakarman, is the name of a Hindu Deity, the presiding deity of all Vishwakarma (caste), engineers, priests artisans and architects.)

The temple is related to the Shrine 平塚明神社 / 平塚神社 Hiratsuka Jinja.
Its former name was Anrakuji 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji.

The doctor 山川城官貞久 Yamakawa Jokan Shokyu (1596 - 1615), who attended to the third Shogun
将軍家光 Tokugawa Iemitsu, came to Hiratsuka Jinja to pray for the healing of his patient. His grave is in the compound and his name Jokan became the name of the temple.


In the compound are also graves of other Shogunal doctors of the 多紀桂山一族 Taki Keizan family.
The father of Keizan, 藍渓 Taki Kankei, served as Shogunal doctor from 1772 to 1781 and also held the title 法印 Hoin of a high Buddhist priest. He produced a lot of medicine and tried to educate more doctors in his academy. Keizan followed in the footsteps of his father. He received the title of 医官 Ikan (now maybe Health Minister) and also Hoin. He retired around 1812. In his later years he wrote books about medicine.
His son, 多紀元堅 Taki Kengen (1795 - 1857) also became official Ikan and treated all the people of Edo, regardless of their social status, from the rich Samurai class to the lowly poor. He even distributed his own money to the very poor.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji in Shikoku :
花を見て歌詠む人は八坂寺 三仏じょうの縁 とこそきけ
Hana o mite uta yomu hito wa Yasakadera san butsu joo no en to koso kike

. 47 - 熊野山 Kumanozan 妙見院 Myoken-In 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 Toshima 88 Henro temples - Nr. 47
上野王子駒込辺三十三ヶ所観音霊場 33 Kannon Temples Komagome - Nr. 6

不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

愛染明王 Aizen Myo-O

- Homepage of the temple
- source : jokanji.jp/about

. Introduction of Amida Nyorai .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Medicine in Edo .

. isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctors in Edo .

. Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来 .
The Buddha of Healing


- reference : 御府内八十八 弥勒寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 城官寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #mirokuji #jokanji #sugiyamawaichi #acupuncture - - - - -

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