14 Mar 2017

TENGU - Tengu Legends Fukushima

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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Tengu Legends from Fukushima

Let us start with a sip of the local Daitengu Sake !

大天狗酒造株式会社 -福島県本宮市 Motomiya town - - - Dai Tengu


Some legends about Tengu, the Mountain Goblin, are told in all of Fukushima, some are related to a special district or village.
Many legends have been collected by 柳田国男 Yanagita Kunio
in a collection named
妖怪名彙 / Yōkai Dangi 妖怪談義 Yokai Dangi

. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
Kunio Yanagita, Yanagida 柳田国男 (1875 - 1962)

Yanagita Kunio, "Tengu no hanashi" (1909)


Tengudaoshi, Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し
"Tengu knocking down trees"
- - - 空木倒し sora kigaeshi
- - - 天狗の木倒し Tengu no kidaoshi

The sound of cutting down a tree with a saw or ax is heard at night, but next morning nothing is to be seen.
This refers to strange noises in a lonely forest.
Also in 相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate and 田村郡 Tamura district
This phenomenon is also known in other parts of Japan.

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
On the 8th and 9th day in the second and 12th month of the old lunar calendar people were not allowed to work in the mountains. That would certainly bring them bad luck.
Someone who tried to go to the mountain on the 9th day of the second lunar month got hit by a boulder, fell down a crevice and died.


In the very remote mountains of Fukushima, where people rarely come,
Tengu throw down trees.
Another Yokai monster creature living there is
オンボノヤス Onbonyasu / オボノヤス Obonyasu.
He can blow fog and make the region unsafe. People easily loose their way in his fog.
Maybe 尾のある妖怪.
- reference source : wikipedia -

福島県田村地方の山 The Tamura Mountains, where Obonyaku lives

福島市 Fukushima city

- - - Yama no Kamisama 山の神様 Deity of the Mountain
Every year on the first of January, February 2 and October 17, the Deity of the Mountain comes down to visit. He is most probably a male Tengu. On these days people involved in forest work come together in the main family home, eat rice cakes and drink Sake. On these days it is not allowed to go to the forest to work.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 古殿町 Furudono

Hime no Gozen Yama 姫の御前山 /姫御前山
at "the Mountain of the Princess" there lives a Tengu.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa

- - - Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu
They say the footprints of a Tengu are still visible here.

- And at 古殿町 Furudono Town, 鎌倉岳 Mount Kamakuradake

The legend tells of Waka Poet Sarumaru.
「歌人猿丸が大同年間に葛野より狩りに出て、 たまたま姿を現した白鹿を追って日光に至る途中、鎌倉岳で休みうたた寝をした。

- - - - -
In the early Meiji period, some pilgrims wanted to visit Kobugahara.
There was a wicked one among them. When they stayed at an inn in Furudono, he went to have a bath, but he was taken away, including the bath tub, by a tengu.

. Kobugahara 古峯ヶ原 / 古峰原 / コブガハラ Kobugahara . - Gunma
and the Tengu Hayatoboo 隼人坊 Hayato-Bo, Hayatobo

飯坂町 Iizakamachi

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods
At 七つ森の峠 Nanatsumori Toge pass on the way to Miyagi

- - - Tengu-daoshi Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し

石川郡 Ishikawa district 平田村 Hirata village

A forest worker took his lunchbox to the forest and hung it on a tree branch, while doing his work. At lunchtime, he wanted to eat, but the box was empty.
A Tengu must have had eaten his lunch - for sure.

いわき市 Iwaki city

The Tengu lives at 団子山 Mount Dangoyama.
Once a man with a twisted neck was healed by this Tengu. Since the man was a painter, he painted the Tengu to show his gratitude.

At いわき市川中子の愛宕神社 the Atago Shrine of Iwaki

いわき郡 Iwaki district 石城郡 いわきのこおり Iwaki nokoori 田人村 Tabitomura

- - - Tengu no warabuchi-ishi 天狗の藁ブチ石
This is the name of a boulder at the Northern side of the Shrine.

- - - - -
- - - - - Takegarayama 竹柄山 / 竹がら山 Mount Takegarayama
Takegarayama Yazawa, Sukagawa-shi, Fukushima
On the highest place lives a Tengu. When the weather changes to the worst, this Tengu beats a loud drum to warn the people.

喜多方市 Kitakata town

- - - Tengu no sumootori ba 天狗の相撲とり場
At the place where the Tengu used to practise sumo wrestling, a Tengu once had his long nose come off.
It turned into the flower of 水バショウ Mizubasho, skunk cabbage.

福島市土湯 「びっき沼の水芭蕉」-
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring : Mizubasho from Bikkurinuma swamp

鼻かけ天狗 Tengu who lost his nose
Mukashibanashi story 山梨県 from Yamanashi
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/inehapo/e -

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district

- - - Tengu-doori 天狗通り Tengu passing
It happens during daytime in the mountain forest. First there is the sound of pyuuun, then the sound of wings flapping.
This is also heard by farmers who try fishing in mountain rivers in the evening.
Another version of Tengu-daoshi.

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
In Inamura village 伊南村の宮澤の人が黒谷入という所で魚を釣っていると影がさした。じっとみると水鏡に赤い顔で鼻の高い人が覗いていた。天狗様だろうということであった。
- - - 朝日村 Asahi village 丸山岳 Mount Maruyamadake
Tengu no Hanabatake 天狗のお花畑
Flower Garden of the Tengu

This mountain is the dwelling place of Tengu since olden times. It has a large plain on its top, where many mountain flowers blossom.
The locals call it the Flower Garden of the Tengu.

- - - Hachiroozaemon 八郎左衛門
The Honest, Pious Hachirozaemon

Hachirozaemon had a large swelling on the cheek To get healed he had to dance with a Tengu, who then took away the lumpy swelling.
Another man who could not see with one eye tried the same. But he was a bad, wicked person and thus he did not get healed but instead even got the lump of Hachirozaemon on his cheek too.

- - - - -

- - - Tengu tsubute-ishi 天狗礫石 Tengu throwing gravel stones
At night there is a sound of stones hitting the wooden rain shutters. They say a Tengu is trying to take an aim.

- - - - -

- Odegusama, O-Degu Sama オデグ様
"The honorable huge one", 男の神様 a Mountain Deity

Once a woman at the other side of the river had a competition with him, throwing stones. The stones war called Tengu Ishi 天狗石 Tengu stones. They have fallen down along the mountain forest of O-Degu Sama.

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district 大宮村 Omiyamura village

Below the 天狗岩 Tenguiwa boulder is a 天狗堂 Tengu Hall.

大沼郡 Onuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder
In former times at the Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder, people could hear the sound of Tengu cutting wood.


白川郡 Shirakawa district 表郷村 Omotego village

At Mount Tenguyama 天狗山 Tengu-Yama,
there lives the Tengu. He lives in the high regions and has a very long nose.
Shirakawa's Tengu Mountain - a beautiful scenery with large rice fields at the feet of the mountain.

相馬郡 Soma district

- Tengu no Mori 天狗の森 Forest of the Tengu

相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate

- - - Above のべがみ森 Nobegamimori Forest
there lives a Tengu. Some people have been shocked and surprized by him.

耶麻郡 Yama district

kasakake matsu 笠かけ松 / 笠掛けの松 pine to hang a straw hat


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Fukushima Masanori 福島正則 (1561 - 1624) .


Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu

see above 東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district.

- CLICK for more regional photos ! -

茨城県 Ibaraki 新治郡 Niihari district 八郷町 Yasato machi


愛宕山は天狗 From the Tengu of Mount Atagoyama

香川県 Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu city


飯野山 Iinoyama (讃岐富士 Sanuki Fuji )

長野県 Nagano 駒ヶ根市 Komagane city


和歌山県 Wakayama 西牟婁郡 Nishimuro district 日置川町 Hikigwacho village


山梨県 Yamanashi 南巨摩郡 Minamikoma district 早川町 Hayakawa village

At 奈良田に天狗森 Tengu no Mori in Narada Hot Spring



Tengu Sumoo 天狗 相撲 Tengu and Sumo wrestling

22 legends to explore

How the Tengu lost his nose

- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/inehapo/e -



- Join the Tengupedia on facebook ! -

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- tengulegendsfukushima -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - after the BIG earthquake on 3/10/2017 10:43:00 am

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