27 Aug 2015

TEMPLE - Tarobo-Gu Shiga



Taroobooguu 太郎坊宮 Shrine for the Tengu Tarobo / Taro-Bo

The Tengu 太郎坊 Taro-Bo venerated here is a symbol of victory.
He is the elder brother of Jirobou Tengu at Kyoto Kurama.
Tengu masks 天狗面 and bells 天狗鈴 are great amulets.

- quote -
. . . Tarobo-gu (aka Taroubou-gu) goes practically unknown.
A striking setting; captivating legends; and over 1200 years of spiritual endeavour.
... The mountain, named Akagami, has a distinctive shape, rising out of the valley floor like a miniature Mt Fuji.
... From the outset Tendai has revered local kami, and for centuries the mountain hosted a Shinto-Buddhist complex. It also served as a centre for shugendo (mountain asceticism). The name of the shrine, Tarobo, refers to a tengu king. A mythical creature with shamanistic overtones, the tengu dwell in the mountains and are linked to mountain asceticism and martial arts.
The Tarobo tengu is supposedly the elder brother of the Kurama tengu, under which the twelfth-century hero Yoshitsune trained. The young boy was an apprentice at the Tendai temple near Kyoto, and when he escaped to join his brother Yoritomo he made for the Akagami complex. The rock where he rested is now a shrine to his memory.}
... The main kami is a son of Amaterasu. His name is not widely known,unsurprisingly since it's Masaka-Akatsukachi-Hayahiameno-Oshi-Homimi-no-Mikoto. In Japanese mythology he was a heavenly warrior offered the chance by his mother to 'descend to earth' but he demurred in favour of his son Ninigi. According to the shrine, he has the attributes of the sun, rising every morning without fail to conquer darkness. As such he's a kami of victory, whether it be in business, exams, martial arts or any other field of life. Prayers should be directed to that end.
The shrine's main feature is a massive 'husband and wife' rock that according to legend was cleaved in half by the sword of a mighty kami. ...
- source : John Dougill, Green Shinto -


- source, more photos : biwako365.blog.fc2.com/ -

Amulets to win and many more on the HP of the temple :
- source : tarobo.sakura.ne.jp -

. Tengu 天狗 Mountain Goblins - Introduction .


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